Eragon is a Mangalarga cross. He is not yet involved in the kids programme.

Eragon was born November 19th, 2018. He is a black Mangalarga cross. When his mother Maple was donated to us, we didn’t know she was pregnant, so Eragon is our surprise foal. Eragon’s dam used to roam wild, therefore we don’t know who Eragon’s Sire is. Eragon is full of life, very curious and quite cheeky. We imprinted him and have since handled him every 3 months for a week. He can walk and trot circles online, do changes of direction in trot and he sticks to us very well at liberty. He immensely enjoys playing with us and he loves to lay down and discover new toys, like plastic, balls, etc. Since he is 3 months old, he has been playing with our dog Chilli and he absolutely loves chasing her.

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